A FREE 30 minute in home consultation is the most effective way for us to assess your needs and provide you with an estimate for our services.
Personal Move Plan
Each individual situation is unique. While the tasks may be similar, the order in which they are performed will change. We will prepare a customized move plan for you.
Space Plan
Measure twice… MOVE once! Making sure everything fits with enough space to provide a safe living environment is the key to your comfort in your new, smaller space.
Sort, Organize, Pack
We provide the staff to assist with a thorough sorting of each area in the home. We help determine what will make the journey to your new space and will ensure it gets packed with care.
Home Staging
It’s no secret that a well staged home will obtain top dollar in the real estate market. We can assist with minor updating and staging prior to listing the home for sale.
Sell, Donate, Dispose
What do I do with all my STUFF? Dealing with the unneeded home contents is another area that we specialize in. Clearing out the surplus content in the most cost effective way is always a priority.
Moving Day and New home set-up
On move day your move manager will be there to supervise the move truck and our team of staff will arrive at the new home in time to begin a complete unpacking service.
Collector, Pack Rat, Clutterbug, Hoarder
Helping our clients clear a lifetime of possessions in order to relocate to smaller spaces takes time and compassion. We ensure the memories are respected while encouraging clients to part with items they no longer need.