Unpack and New Home Set-up
So your move day has arrived. We take care of the entire day. You get to take the day off and relax! When you return later in the day, your new space is set up and you can settle right in.
Imagine your move day...
Waking up, leaving your unmade bed, getting dressed, enjoying a cup of coffee, and then heading out for a day of fun or relaxation.
Go ahead… take the day off… you deserve it!
We will take care of the rest.
We meet the movers at your home and supervise them while your cherished belongings are loaded onto the truck. Later that morning, the team leader will arrive at the new home to ensure the movers place your furniture according to the Space Plan. Our staff will arrive shortly thereafter and begin to unpack. By that afternoon your bed is freshly made, your kitchen and bathroom are unpacked and organised, your electronics are connected and ready to use. We'll recreate the parts of home that make it feel "just right". We even hang up the artwork. Best of all we remove all the boxes and packing supplies.

Room to Room Move
As a client’s needs change, we can help them move from independent living into more assisted living areas within a community. These types of moves are done in one day. The client leaves their old room in the morning and returns to their new room later that day when it is completely unpacked and set up.
Our staff will take pictures of the space first to insure that the new space is set up the same way as when the client left.

Our staff will then make sure that the new space will be able to fit everything accordingly, paying attention to the smallest details such as; outlets and corners that may be positioned differently.

When the client returns later that day for the big reveal, Home sweet home!